Do primary school kids really need their own classroom iPads?
Screens and well-being: Martin Hughes
Does educational technology help children learn? A research update.
“What’s happening with our kids now is the biggest educational experiment in history"
Screen use and lockdowns!
Internet safety, kids and porn
“How the internet may be changing the brain”
"Schools pushed for tech in every classroom. Now parents are pushing back."
Legal opinion: who is responsible if a child is harmed by screen use in school?
Does educational technology help students learn? A new meta-analysis
What is ‘persuasive design’?
Legislation passed to limit risks from screen use in schools
Screen use and children's vision: why the concern?
Using technology in the classroom: an example by Ease Education
Schools ban smartphones
Handwriting: education fundamental or redundant technology?
Digital curriculum in schools - communication with whanau
The Education Hub reviews technology in education
Guest Blog
Screen time and attention in preschoolers